Technology, web sites

Web sites

How is a theme costumized by T-5? The theme is a carefully crafted flexible, powerful and high performance minimalist WordPress Theme for personal and corporate use. We designed it by focusing on functionality and ease of use for both sides: the Visitor and the WordPress Admin. The theme is packed with lots of pre-designed pages to display your

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Graphic Design

Websites, businesses and brands are all much more than just words and products—they’re also images and art. Graphic design is an integral part of any business and that’s as true for your company’s image as it is for your marketing. Success online is multifaceted in the modern age. While sites rich in text can help you be found

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Social media sites and blogs reach 8 out of 10 of all U.S. Internet users. And, 71% of Internet users are more likely to purchase from a brand that they are following on a social networking site such as Twitter or Facebook. Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product

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